Posterior Tooth Preparation Day

This course day is all about you perfecting your crown and bridge preps, amalgams and composites, imps and temporaries. Using a microscope and a video link Peter will demonstrate how to do them throughout this hands-on day. Expect to prepare about 20 teeth!

Posterior tooth prep

Perfect your prosthodontics in a day

Friday 18th February 2011

Liverpool Dental School

6 Hours CPD

Presented by Mr Peter Smyth BDS, MSc

Start 9:15am
Treatment planning dental health, function and aesthetic dentistry Which rotary instruments to use
Information about each tooth preparation
Tooth preparation guides and measurements

Composites – occlusals, contact points
Amalgam, complex amalgam
Gold and porcelain onlay, inlay, ¾ crowns
Porcelain bonded crowns, cast gold crowns
Adhesive bridges, conventional bridge preparations
Rubber dam for any tooth
Fabricating provisionals

Table clinics
Impressions with alginate and silicone
Adjusting and cementing restorations

Refreshments and lunch are provided
4.30pm finish

To reserve your place
Please call Hannah Jane on 0151 423 1601

Or email your details to us via the contact form

Cost £199, please make cheques payable to: Cheshire Smile Clinic, post to Hannah Jane, Cheshire Smile Clinic,Hunts Cross Dental Centre, 14 Mackets Lane, Hunts Cross, Liverpool L25 OLQ. To pay by credit card please call Hannah Jane. Closing date 2 weeks before course date.

What your colleagues said about last years course?

‘Wonderful hands-on course, to have a quick revision of your techniques plus invaluable tips’ MKJ

‘Great to have some individual hands-on advice…………a good confidence builder’ KH