Stopping smoking is the single most effective step you can take to improve your health.
Don’t be put off is past attempts have not be a success, most people have a few failed attempts before they finally stop, that is normal so if it sound like you it may actually improve your chance of quitting this time.
Smokers often do not realise that smoking causes other disease than lung cancer and heart disease, for example mouth cancer. In addition your dental health will improve, fresher breath, less staining on your teeth, healthier gums. The soft tissues in your mouth will be healthier. If you like fine dining you may be interested to know your sense of taste and smell will improve very quickly after giving up cigarettes.
Another popular motivator to quit is the realisation that it saves a lot of cash, for example at 2012 prices the the cost 20 cigarettes is around £6, so over the next 10 years the cost of smoking 20-a-day would look something like this 365 x 10 x 6 = £21,900!
So now you’re all fired up ready to quit smoking! Write down a stop date, give yourself time to prepare, tell your friends and family so they can help encourage you, tell your dentist and doctor! Try these useful links and good luck:
Free SmokeFree Helpline
You can call an advisor for free on 0800 022 4 332
Pregnancy helpline
If you would like specialist advice and support about quitting during pregnancy please call 0800 169 9 169