Dental fees

Dental fees

Dental fees

We are a private dental clinic, consultation fees Dr Smyth £125 and Dr Howdle £145 include a letter report to the patient and referring colleague. We provide written estimates for dental fees.

Dr Smyth’s fees are listed below:

Dental therapist visit for professional tooth cleaning from £60

Fillings – silver or tooth coloured filling from £95

Crowns – single crown on an upper front tooth from £950 plus laboratory bills

Root fillings from £450

Dental implants – a crown supported by a dental implant from £2,500

Tooth whitening from £299

Veneers from £950

Sports gum shield £15

Complete dentures from £1,950


Simple Treatment

If treatment needs are straightforward a plan and fees can be outlined at the initial consultation appointment.

Complex Treatment

For example e.g. full mouth restoration, it is frequently necessary to carry out an initial tooth by tooth assessment in order to determine a second or third stage of treatment. An estimated fee range is  provided at the outset and this often requires initial dental investigations and tests such as dental x-rays, plaster casts of teeth and time for treatment planning.

Following this a dental report would be forwarded to you for consideration and a meeting arranged to agree a way forward.

When the feasibility of using implants requires assessment it may be necessary to refer you to a hospital for a CT-scan.

Fees vary depending upon the complexity of dental problems. No two situations are the same and  treatment must be customised for each situation. For example a patient who exposes a little bit of their upper front teeth in full smile will not require the same treatment as someone who displays all of their upper front teeth and gums in full smile yet both may require a crown on a single tooth.

Your feedback

Your feedback

Your feedback is important to us

We hope every patient is  delighted with their dental care at our Liverpool dental clinic. When patients give feedback to us, good or bad, it is a great opportunity to listen and make our service even better. We recognise that it is an essential part of our patient care to be exceptional listeners.

Please tell us what you think using our form below:

Alternatively write to:

Dr Smyth

Cheshire Smile Clinic

Hunts Cross Dental Centre

14 Mackets Lane

Liverpool L25 OLQ


Patient complaints

We aim to acknowledge complaints within a few days by phone or letter. Once we have had an opportunity to investigate a complaint we try to resolve them fairly within 10 days. If we need longer to investigate we will keep you informed at each stage.

Still not satisfied? 

In the unlikely event that you were not satisfied with our in-house complaints service private patients can use the Dental Complaints Service. This is an excellent free of charge independent service. Their contact details are as follows:

Dental Complaints Service, Stephenson House, 2 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon, CR0 6BA 

Tel 08456 120540 



Thank you


About us

About us


Mr Peter James Smyth BDS MSc MJDF RCS Eng

GDC Number 68329 Company Director

Mr Mark Howdle BDS DGDP MDentSci MFDS RCS Specialist in Periodontics

GDC Number 64896

All qualifications obtained in the UK

Cheshire Smile Clinic Limited is Registered in England & Wales No.4393149 AGP, Sycamore House, Sutton Keys Business Park, Cheshire WA7 3EH

Dentistry is regulated by the General Dental Council